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I am having problems wraping my head around creating a NPC creature that is created at a level near the charecter.


I make the CrNPCcreature

then I make the EncNPCcreature with a list of like 4 diffrent levels.


But I am so lost on how it all works with the CR, the ENC, the LVL creatures.



any guidance would be helpful.

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yes, they are too strong. Here is how I have it set up currently.



MyCrSenteryBotGL is set to level 1

MyENCSentryBot has 4 different MyCRSenteryBotGLs





MyLVLSenteryBotGL uses the actor base of the MyENCSentryBot



I am level 24, and these things take massive amounts of ammo to kill, if there are a few of them I will die.

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well, you can always change your leveled list to use a new variation of that Sentry Bot, and make it weaker


do note that Sentry Bots are extremely hard to kill, this is how they were made in the game

but if you want your Sentry Bots to be weaker, just create your own variation of the Sentry Bot, and make it weaker, and use that variation in your leveled list


hope this helps

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somehow i doubt it's the difficulty

i can tell you that comparing Sentry Bots to other enemy types in the game, using only guns, Sentry Bots are amongst the toughest enemies around

they are heavily armored, have lots of health (as far as i know) and are really deadly with their weapons


so you should try to make a weaker version of the Sentry Bots, and try it out in your list

if even after you made them weaker, they are still too hard to kill, then maybe it is the difficulty (though i guess the difficulty has a part of it anyhow)

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