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Snake Plissken


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I come to you with an idea that I thought would have surely been done by now. A Snake Plissken Mod, complete with Snake's costumes from both Escape from New York and Escape from L.A. Snake has always been a heavy hitter in the realm of distopian cinema. He is quite possibly the bad ass basis for many of our heroes/anti-heroes that followed him. The influence of Snake can even been seen in much of the Fallout Universe. I think that it would be great if we could have the ability to play the role of such a bad ass that paved the way.



Escape from N.Y.


Black sleeveless T - Shirt with silver trim on seems


Brown Suede or Leather Jacket


Arctic/Urban Camo Pants


Steel Plated boots w/ knee pads


Fingerless Biker Gloves


Black Eye Patch


Ingram M-10 (mac-10) w/ scope and muzzle suppressor




.44 Magnum w/ scope


Pistol Holsters


Countdown timer (Possibly moded pip boy)


Awesome Snake Hair and Snake Tattoo...if possible






Escape from L.A.


Heat Resistant Black Sleeveless T


Heat Resistant Black Pants


Heat Resistant Black Trench


Fingerless Biker Gloves


Knee High Pull on Stealth Combat Boots


Metal Belt Buckle Clasp


S&W 629 Hunter .44 Magnum w/ scope x2




Coreburner, magnesium ammo, 500 extra rounds




Countdown timer (Possibly moded pip boy)


Awesome Snake Hair and Snake Tattoo...if possible





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That is definitely a great start. Some of those I had seen, some I had not. I'll try some mixing and matching, and if anyone is up to the challenge I would love to see a full scale Snake mod with clothing and the whole shebang. Wish I knew how to do it myself, I'd put in the time if I knew my way around that kind of thing.

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You gotta get the hair right man!

The hair!

Is it a mullet?.. Or did all barbers get eradicated in the war?

I don't know but even Macguyver would have trouble standing next to that.


And LOL the eyepatch changes eyes... Shifty ol' Snake.


Are you kidding? That hair is 100% whiskey swillin, lady killin, grade A, bad ass! Layered, long, but with a full range of visibility. Sure Snake probably got his hair done by a gay hair dresser like Sergio....but Sergio was probably held at gun point while Snake took shots of Everclear and skinned something for a belt.

Edited by captainjackass
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"That hair is 100% whiskey swillin, lady killin, grade A, bad ass!"

Solid gold.

Hey i'm all for it man.

It's true, Mad Max, Escape from L.A., Omega Man,

All inspirations, all classic.

The whole "escape from New Vegas" idea sounds fun and definitely has merit. It might be hard to do in the current set up of new vegas though. But if you just wanted the items and stuff, with no questline, then it shouldn't be too hard.. Though I hear you have to dick around in some annoying programs for a long time before you can even think about retexturing stuff.


P.S. Lets not forget about the whole "Reds under the bed" theme goin on,

As well as the love affair with 50's science fiction (which is lacking in new vegas IMO.. Needs more crazy scientists, or maybe I just haven't seen them yet)

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  • 8 months later...

I just realized that if anyone could do a retexture on the tunnel snakes/Kings leather jacket clothing/armor than it could look just like Snake!


If someone was willing to make the jacket brown, the pants camouflage and the shirt black (it's either black or white already can't remember), than it would look just like snakes outfit. I say this because it already has the pants tucked into combat boots and the cut of the jacket is perfect. Anyone willing to spend a little time on that would have my complete and total thanks.

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