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FO3 FOSE Help?


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Okay so basically, I need to use FOSE to use the Fallout 3 PDA pip boy right? and to use every other mod on this site such as armor, guns, ect, otherwise the textures change a lot and do weird things, but when I run FO3 with FOSE, it becomes unresponsive and freezes before I can even get past the birthday part, I have a powerful PC, about 2000$ custom build, what could possibly be wrong? Can anyone help, please? My Fallout 3 is version 1.7, but thats because whenever I tried to load it with FOSE without installing the patch it says "You have the retail version of Fallout 3, please install the latest patch at betheshda.com" or something like that, what can I do? Help please? Im new to all this.





- Jimmy

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Several things:


1. Having an expensive computer means nothing in your case.

2. Did you download the correct version of FOSE?

3. Are you running on Vista/7? If so, turn off UAC.

4. You don't need FOSE for the majority of armor and guns; however, you do need Archive Invalidation

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