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Just installed FCOM on clean install but..

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I just installed FCOM according to this guide and the game actually started up fine, but while killing some rather docile mud crabs, my character got stuck, or that's what I thought until I noticed that he was just moving VERY slowly. Didn't matter if I tried to sprint either. I tried reloading a recent save, and even one before that but it didn't help. I also noticed that before this happened, running backwards caused me to move about the same speed as when I got this problem. I followed the guide to the letter except I forgot to uncheck OMOBS_SI and OMOBS listed in purple that says in the guide to uncheck. I unchecked them and proceeded to start a new game but that did nothing. Could this cause the problem I just described? Should I just re-install oblivion?



My Wyre Bash:



Edited by IJustWantMyDownload
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