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Morro mods


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Better Gameplay-This mod will make you not miss your weapon when you swing and offers regenerating magicka like from Oblivion

Morrowind Code Patch-This utility will patch many things and add features like toggle sneak

Morrowind Graphic Extender-Will offer distand land like in Oblivion and many more features

Morrowind Grass Mod-Will add Oblivion like grass

Bloodmoon Grass-Grass for Bloodmoon requires MGE

QOTW-A new misc quest weekly for Morrowind.

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Thank you so much for your suggestions!


Currently I'm trying very hard to get "into" Morrowind. Unfortunately, in spite of my best efforts, the lowest possible graphics settings and miniscule textures, my eMachines laptop simply cannot run Oblivion at a playable speed. It can handle Morrowind great though so I'm trying it out ;)

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Many people have switched from Vality's grass mod to Vurt's grass mod, along with Muspila's. It has more variation.


Vurt's tree mods are also very good.










Still, if your PC can't handle Oblivion, you'll probably have trouble with the grass (which requires MGE) and the trees (which are pretty detailled) too.


I have a full list of the graphics mods I use here (most texture replacers shouldn't impact performance much), and a list of gameplay mods here. It's very biased of course. :P

Edited by Povuholo
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