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Chitin Hood


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I'm looking for hood to be worn with the light Chitin armour set included with Dragonborn. I've found the Chitin Goggles mod, which is great, and I've also looked at facemasks on the Nexus as well, but they have clipping issues with Orcs (my primary player race, so not much help to me, despite being excellently made).


What I'd really like to do is have the scarf and goggles of the chitin helmet to protect my Orcs face, but with a hood that matches the scarf and face wrap, rather than the chitin plate; maybe with a piece running down the back like the priest hoods have.


My character never wears helmets because I prefer the look of hoods, particularly on character where spacial awareness is key (assassins, thieves, etc). I really like the protection the chitin helmet's face mask and goggles provides from ash, just not the actual armour plate on the head.


If anyone could help me out I'd be very grateful, even if it were a simple replacement of the light chitin helmet. Thank you for your time.

Edited by Daiyus
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