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Pale Pass Akaviri Citadel


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I'm crushed. Just because I'm behind the curve on payscale doesn't mean I won't stick my nose in every now and then to meddle.


I wouldn't have a clue if any of this will be of use but I'm a packrat, so just because something is over my head doesn't mean I won't collect it.


Normal Mapping Tutorial


Normal Mapping Tutorial: Part II


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I am tempted to give up. My collision sequence is identical to the collision sequence on one of the working tiles from Anima Cyrodiil and the collision still doesnt bloody work


Edit: I lied. Collision achieved in a test run. now to build the actual tiles

Edited by lupicatalum
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You lied? You LIED to us? How... how have you...? How did you dare to lie to us? After all we have done for you?


*me turns back and runs out of the room, in tears and sobbing unconsolable*


By the way, are all those scratches in your face and the missing bit in your left ear signals of how much fun you have playing with your new Macaw?


I hope you are taking notes on how have you done the collision and things, because most likely I will ask you about it in the future.


Anyway, good news at last!


Looking forward for the pretty screenies!



Edited by IkeCoast
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Uh... I'm not sure if I find comforting the grin you put when saying "to give back to you". Gave me the chills.




PS: I was modding a little bit today too. I tried again to use Blender on the modding laptop to create a silk fabric sheet. I hope the autopsy on that computer won't show that it was my fault.

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Phew, no. I thought I had it stone-cold dead, and already started digging a hole in the backyard, but after letting it rest for a while, I was able to restart it and looks fine.


Lucky me. I had taken some good screenies before dropping that silk bomb on it and I thought I had lost them, Posted them right now.


Did you know that Macaws are edible?



Edited by IkeCoast
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