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Hey! I need help!!


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I've pretty much read the entire tutorial on the main elder scrolls CS site but in some places it was good but in others not so...but anyway


What I am trying to do is something real simple. Im just trying to make a NPC stand off to the side somwhere and when you the player walks near them or by them then the player will hear a conversation with some random funny stuff. I already have a few of stuff done...I have already...


created the NPC,

the dialogue,

and putting the NPC in a cell.


I believe I have everything all set up well and good but when it comes to the scripting I hit a snag. According to the main CS site...


Im suppossed to use the Start Conversation tag and because I just want 1 NPC talking to himself I have to put his name after the startconversation tag....This is what I have in the script



scn Britton

begin GameMode

startconversation brittonwyattref random1




But for some reason when I go and try to save it I get this dumb message


Item "brittonwyattref" not found for paramater actor


I've tried all sorts of things to try and figure out what is wrong but I have no idea anymore.....yes it is spelled correctly. If you know why this is happening or any reason why it might be happening then I would definetely appreciate!!!! thanks in advance to.

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scn BrittonScript
ref me
Begin Gamemode
if (getdistance player < 400) && (doonce == 0)
set me to getself
startconversation me random1
messagebox "Debug: Started?"
set doonce to 1


The actor might not be able to target himself...

Try putting an invisible actor in front of him.

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thanks!!...but...the code worked all except it said "the code doonce cannot be found" so I delete the 2 doonce things. But the code worked cuz I was able to save it and select it in the NPC window.


But it still doesnt work in the game. He doesnt say what I want him to say when I walk by him just hi and then rumors when I talk to him. And also the message box...debug started? pops up when I get near him and I have to reload the game. But I think I know why it is doing that and Ill fix that.


Basicly I did what the webpage said and made a new quest wih a new conversation topic called random1 and thats what Im linking the script to, or trying to anyway. But whenever I go to the dialogue box for my character Brittonwyatt the random1 conversation topic isnt there only when I load the quest and I cant add it in for some reason. Is that just the way it is?


Also if someone knows of a character in the game that does what I am trying to do I can look at that character and might be able to figure it out by comparing then too. Thanks for the help again


And thank you GBHis! Im gonna try your second suggestion later on.

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Thanks that worked adding the short doonce in...

Well I got it to work....sorta...My character finally says what I want him to say in the game...but I probably did it in a completly wrong way...In fact I know its a wrong way to do it but it works. I ended up not using a script cuz I couldnt figure it out with that so I just added it under "hello" in the conversation tab in the dialogue box. Then because I was extremely frustrated after a littly while I finally just deleted all the other comments in the "hello" topic and it worked!! But then I realized I probably should do that so I undeleted them and ended up using the "getisid" tag on all the things said and so and so on...in the end I got it to work in a very long way so if anyone KNOWS A BETTER WAY WHICH I KNOW THERE IS ONE THEN TELL ME...PLEEEEASSSSEEEEE!!!!


Also does somebody know where Dtom's lesson 6 and 7 are? Supposedly he released them sometime in August according to one of his forums on another site.


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please use the edit button to place additional info into your post, rather than double posting. Thanks.


- Switch

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