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Making a trainer NPC- Training box does not come up after dialogue?


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I was following the above tutorial for making a trainer NPC, except for instead of using an existing trainer voice I recorded my own dialogue. I copied Babette's dialogue, because I was making a master Alchemy trainer. I edited the copy that did not have the asterisk by it. When I go into the game my NPC is there and she says the dialogue I recorded in response to, "I'd like training in Alchemy" but the box where you pay for the training never comes up. I am not sure what I did wrong or how I would be able to fix it and make the training box come up after she says her line. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I tried making a different NPC a trainer as well and this time I copied Ma'jhad and I got this error:
Papyrus Fragment Error
Fragments on (010012C5) failed validation, and a backup could NOT be made. Affected file: Data\Scripts\Source/TIF_010012C5.psc
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