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Pistols are useless.


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They really are.Most of the fights I get into is mid range and long range shoot.

So best for me is a good semi auto rifle.

Pistols simply do not have the range and damage needed.

Anyway that's my impression.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

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Obviously your build will determine how well you do with various firearms. Pistols can be devastating. A Fully maxed luck and crit character will dominate Deathclaws with the unique Lucky revolver. And with the suppressed 45. Pistol one can clear a building if they're sneaky enough.


In all it depends on what playstyle you use. Any handloads or perks you take. Otherwise. Yes, pistols can be useless. But generally all weapons have their advantages and disadvantages.

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I actually find them quite useful. They're comfortable and easy to use, generally shoot fast, and ammunition is everywhere for them. I generally find them ineffective in heavy-duty firefights, but they're just fine for plinking off the odd molerat while roaming the wasteland. I generally keep one on my character at all times for 'low-intensity' random encounters.

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I dunno breh, they're good if you're a gaming masochist. If you only allow your character to carry a primary weapon and a sidearm with limited ammo, well fugg, that 10mm is going to be looking pretty good once your shotgun's out of shells.

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I dunno breh, they're good if you're a gaming masochist. If you only allow your character to carry a primary weapon and a sidearm with limited ammo, well fugg, that 10mm is going to be looking pretty good once your shotgun's out of shells.


My shotgun is never out of shells.

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If you think pistols are useless, you're doing it wrong. My primary loadout right now is a scoped/suppressed rifle, a suppressed pistol, and a pump-action shotgun, and about 20 mags worth of ammo for each. The rifle handles medium to long-range work, while the pistol is damn near perfect for room-to-room and CQB, with the shotgun being used for those "Get off my ass" moments that can only be solved by liberal application of buckshot. Learn the limitations, and then learn to exploit the strengths of each and every weapon platform you use, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a -truly- useless weapon.

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...you'll be hard-pressed to find a -truly- useless weapon.

Dat rolling pin tho.


I consider comedic value a redeeming trait in weaponry :3 There's something inherently funny about seeing a 70-something year old woman whailing on a feral ghoul with a rolling pin, especially if the ghoul explodes into a shower of Ludicrous Gibs.

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