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Trophies From Vanilla Game Quests


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I've thought about whether it'd be possible to make something similar to the bobblehead/snowglobe stand but with trophies representing your success' in the Mojave, and a much larger display.


It'd update itself using a script that reads how a quest is completed and enables a trophy to appear to represent it.


Spoilers Ahead, new players stop here.



------ Like on "Come Fly With Me" -----


If you help the ghouls, then maybe a small rocket and moon appear on a trophy spot



Or if you sabotage them, maybe a crashed rocket or small mushroom cloud statue appears.


Etc. For all the quests and there various turns and twists.


I think it'd be like an achievement system for players and would make players feel more accomplished as they play.

And it would provide eyecandy to mods, if the trophys were well made and thoughtfully made, instead of copied buildings and models that have just been shrunk down.


So What I'm asking, Is this possible? And if so how much work would have to go into it to make it? Would anyone be willing to help create such a mod?


Edit: After posting this I searched around and I found a mod for Fo3 that's like my idea

Trophy Museum

However I still think there should be different trophies for different quest outcomes, and he did the shrinking thing, That may work on a few quests but if its on all of them its not as interesting.

Edited by simplywayne90
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On that same thought,

This is more of a suggestion that anything but, If its possible I think a large map that updates with your pip-boy as you travel might be interesting to see in house mods.


By updates I mean, it starts off as a blank 3D map of the Mojave, and as you explore and discover locations (only Vanilla ones would work most likely)

Then the map would update with a model of that area, (this could be done by shrinking the notable buildings of that area)

So for example, after discovering the REPCONN rocket site, maybe the dome and the building appear as small models on the map.

And this would only be for the easiest of locations, so not every shack, and canyon would show and clutter the map.


I just thought that if someone wanted to put the effort in, It'd be a very interesting piece of eyecandy for adventures.

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