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Scopeless Hunting Revolver Pleaase!


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Ever since i was born Ive hated scoped pistols (revolvers especially)

Ive tried to do this myself but im a fail modder

I originally tried to use the Ranger Sequoia mesh with the Hunting Revolver texture but the scope lines are still present in the texture and it looks stupid >.>

I also dont like the Ranger Sequoia cause all that color and engraving just bothers me >.>


I just need someone to do a really fast mod where they keep all the textures (same color all that) and just remove the scope and add ironsights too


Thanks!!!! :D

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Hahah Yeah i always thought it was a bit silly, i mean imagine how much powder residue you'd get in you're eyes, you'd be blind after three shots, or have a really black eye...


I'm sorry but I don't know how its done. If removing the scope manually from the GECK does nothing then, i'm not sure.


But for that matter, how useless is the laser pointer? It doesn't even put a dot on your target! Lame!

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Time to be a man and use Blender, mate. Trust me, it might be hard in the beginning, but eventually it'll be a piece of cake.


Also, you can't just edit textures like that: the UV coordinates would be stuffed up. Nor could you do it in GECK, unless it's treated as a separate item in the Nif file.




You obviously have not fired a pistol before, have you :tongue: . You don't jam the scope into your eye: you look at it from roughly half a feet away. Don't let video games trick you!

Edited by dazzerfong
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I just meant that using a sniper style whole camera zoom thing instead of actual ironsights with a scope on top for a pistol(which is how it would look from first person perspective) is weird.

And yes i've shot a pistol before, and a rifle, that's not the point. The point is that a rifle scope sits close to your eye, and a pistol scope at arms length right?

Edited by adman85
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