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Game screwing up in textures & sound


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So I've got about 150+ mods, I don't know what the mod limit for New Vegas is, but the last time I encountered such a screw up in a bethesda game was in Fallout 3 where I exceeded 255 mods.


So back to the problem, what I'm experiencing is after awhile, in the outdoors, my sound is still around, except for weapon sounds as in they fire silently.... Not only that modded weapons either get haywire textures or becomes invisible in FPS and a large red box in third person. When I kill someone during this period, the blood is just red squares. I also can't open boxes, as in I press E and the box opens and closes but the inventory does not appear. Its not possible for me to even hit ESC as well and I have to end task instead of hit quit normally...


It doesn't start indoors, but once it starts outdoors it affects the interiors as well when I enter the cell. Also, inventory for crates appear when I load to another cell (like interiors through doors).


Hope someone has the solution or answer, because all I wanted was to get those mods I wanted to get a week ago and updated a few and wham, I'm getting my game screwed up. I have Archive Invalidated and updated script extender as well as the game patch.


Here's the list of my mods:

[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] MercenaryPack.esm

[X] TribalPack.esm

[X] CaravanPack.esm

[X] ClassicPack.esm

[X] More Perks.esm

[X] Nevada Skies - Core.esm

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

[X] BinocularsOverhaul.esm

[X] CFWNV.esm

[X] Zombie Apocalypse.esp

[X] dD-Smaller Spatters Realistic.esp

[X] dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp

[X] dD-More Gore.esp

[X] NewVegasBounties.esp

[X] Max Followers 12.esp

[X] UnlimitedCompanions.esp

[X] Companion Sandbox Mode.esp

[X] populatedcasino.esp

[X] Military Explansion Program.esp

[X] Project13 - Populated Wasteland.esp

[X] Respawn48Hours.esp

[X] PerkEveryLevel.esp

[X] Level Cap 100.esp

[X] BoostedSkills.esp

[X] Kobu's Free Wild Wasteland Trait.esp

[X] Predator Sneak.esp

[X] AlternativeSniperPerk.esp

[X] NV_STTraitsandPerks - NVSE.esp

[X] NV_STMutatePack - NVSE.esp

[X] Expanded Traits.esp

[X] More Perks Update.esp

[X] NewAndImprovedPerks.esp

[X] Passive Animals & Critters - A Perk Suite.esp

[X] LFox Cannibal Perk Improvements.esp

[X] keepcompanionperks.esp

[X] T3T_MiscItemIconsNV.esp

[X] noautoaim.esp

[X] Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.esp

[X] Faster Runing.esp

[X] Colored Piplight - Green.esp

[X] Piplight Brightness - 500%.esp

[X] Immersive Karma with NoStealingKarma.esp

[X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

[X] Existence2.0.esp

[X] LootableOldCars_OE.esp

[X] More Ammo.esp

[X] GunRunnersExpandedV3.4.esp

[X] CFWNVOptionalTweaker.esp

[X] M82.esp

[X] AK47.esp

[X] M4A1.esp

[X] M14.esp

[X] G36C.esp

[X] Luger.esp

[X] ASG.esp

[X] hz_SVD.esp

[X] RHINO45-70_NV.esp

[X] LightSaberMod.esp

[X] Glow Sticks.esp

[X] Classic MEC Gauss Minigun.esp

[X] Clanf_CryoWeapons.esp

[X] Silver Rush inventory expansion.esp

[X] EWO.esp

[X] PlasmaRifleAwesomefied.esp

[X] 25mm C-10 Canister Rifle Mark VI.esp

[X] t3bbarmor.esp

[X] TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp

[X] Mantis07Reflex - Realism.esp

[X] NWghostbodysuit.esp

[X] Persona_and_Secret.esp

[X] NEVECbodysuit.esp

[X] KDS Wearable Backpacks.esp

[X] Desert Armor.esp

[X] NVLadyoutfit1.esp

[X] DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp

[X] UrgeWasterScarf.esp

[X] RCSS.esp

[X] AirForceArmorT57C.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear-Nightvision Red.esp

[X] Armored PA Gloves.esp

[X] PA Footsteps.esp

[X] Power Armour is Powered.esp

[X] Tailor Maid - NV.esp

[X] Tailor Maid Black Retex - NV.esp

[X] My Cloth Collection NV.esp

[X] Courier IFF Broadcaster.esp

[X] NV Explosive Knockdown mod.esp

[X] DeadlierExplosivesNV.esp

[X] c4nuke.esp

[X] Deathclaw Gauntlet Schematic.esp

[X] Moddable Unique Weps.esp

[X] Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

[X] WME - Named & Sorted.esp

[X] Weapon Mods Reworked.esp

[X] Craft Overhaul 1.1.esp

[X] SCAMP - Scrapping Clutter And Making Parts.esp

[X] IntuitiveRealisticCooking.esp

[X] Oven Cooking.esp

[X] BarrelCrafting.esp

[X] Bountiful Harvest.esp

[X] JNinjasStealthFieldStopsNinjasComeBack.esp

[X] The Strip Credit Check 10000.esp

[X] Storm's Expanded Ammo.esp

[X] Mojave Munitions.esp

[X] Weight_Balance_v07.esp

[X] Sorter - Combined.esp

[X] Sorter - Combined - Weighted.esp

[X] Inventory Sorter - Moddable Unique Weps.esp

[X] LightweightSanitizer.esp

[X] AddLunchBox.esp

[X] stealthboy-recharge.esp

[X] LFox Bottle That Water.esp

[X] BearTrap.esp

[X] StimpakGivesSyringe.esp

[X] Better Sneak.esp

[X] Gambling.esp

[X] Casino Exchange All.esp

[X] CaravanCardFix.esp

[X] psychoelfs anti anti cheat.esp

[X] Sprint Mod.esp

[X] DK_BulletTime_NV.esp

[X] THE5 Visors Mod.esp

[X] EnclaveCommander.esp

[X] IIWR 2.0.3.esp

[X] Wasteland Defense.esp

[X] Brahmin Bess.esp

[X] BetterGamePerformanceV3.esp

[X] Better Performance for Older PCs - Bundle.esp

[X] LightsOutV2.esp

[X] Free Play after MQ.esp

[X] NukaQuantum.esp

[X] Nuka Cola Enhanced.esp

[X] DrugsAreBadMKay.esp

[X] MoreChems.esp

[X] FeelingIrradiated.esp

[X] Pop and Beer do not Dehydrate.esp

[X] UnderwaterFX.esp

[X] Improved Sound FX.esp

[X] Improved Sound FX - Gunshot Distance Tweak.esp

[X] Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp

[X] LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.esp

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esp

[X] LUMENARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies 062 Replacer.esp

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Darker Nights.esp

[X] LUMENARIUM - Bright Clear Days.esp

[X] URWLNV.esp

[X] DN More Lights.esp

[X] URWLNV Brighter Lights.esp

[X] URWLNV Darker Night.esp

[X] NSkies - URWLNV.esp

[X] Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic.esp

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