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can't save in cs


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i recently started using the Construction set, but whenever i try to save the CS crashes while saving.

I'm using Windows 7 64-Bit

My CS is 1.2 and Oblivion has the latest patch, without any problems

I start CS ad admin and it's not located in C/Programs



so whats the problem?


PS i found out the crash happens often when i load a certain mod which has a COBL MAIN dependency

is there a way to fix it?

Edited by halo205
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I presume that Oblivion itself is not installed in C:/Program Files either?


Different computers have different capabilities. That is not very scientific and informative, but it is true. For instance, my CS crashes 100% of the time if I try to change file description, so I have to use TES4Gecko for that operation. I recommend that you run tests from easy to hard to see what your system can do. See if you can create a mod that makes a single change to the game and that has no dependencies. See if you can successfully save it.


Then if that works, you can go on to more complex experiments and edit mods that have dependencies. The more mods you have open at once, the higher chance of a crash. The more complex the mods, the higher chance of a crash. The buggier the mods, the higher chance of a crash. Certain mods just don't really work on the CS well. Like if you try to do anything with Knights of the Nine, it is liable to crash at some point. Maybe COBL MAIN is also a monster to work with.


If it turns out that what you are trying to do is impossible on your computer, then you might try to think up an alternate approach to change the game in the same way.

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Yeah you're right

i can edit mods without any dependencies on a small scale.


But when i try to edit bigger mods with more dependencies I use Tes4Edit it works quite well.


But for example when i try to copy a facegen data from NPC A from mod a1 to NPC B from mod b1 my game crashed when i try to test it.

On the other Hand copying Facegen Data from one NPC to another is very easy in CS, but it crashes when i try to save.


Is there another Tool or a Reason why Tes4Edit "corrupts" my test plugin when i try to copy face gen files?



EDIT: i found out the reason why my plugin was corrupt.

When i Copy the facegen data from one npc to another 30% of the copied signs are missing maybe because its limited to 255 signs.

The only way would be drag and drop. But in order to drag and drop an information from one record to another they are to be in conflict.


So this might sound a bit ridiculous for another modder, but how can i make an NPC record conflict with another one via TES4EDIT?

Edited by halo205
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