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mouse+keyboard freeze


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Specwise, I've ran obliv at high settings without issue in the past, it's not a hardware issue.


I'd uninstalled Oblivion for some time, reinstalled, and ran into issues.


Basicly, the game stops accepting input from the mouse+keyboard. I alt tab, they work, but I go back ingame, and they still dont work.


I've disabled the Joystick in the .ini and I'm running the unoffical patch, 3.2 or whatever the saved version I had from way back was.


As I'm lucky to get more than 10min uninterrupted without having to restart, this is quite annoying.

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Thanks I'll try that.


Could be a codec for .mkv's as thats the only one I can recall offhand installing in forever.


Makes me even more glad I bought this for 50 cents from a bargin bin, it's utterly crap without mods and buggy as all get out to boot.




edit: Reading the readme, it apparently was made for XP. Does it work for Vistaids ?


edit2: I suppose I'll try the latest version of the L-lite pack instead, since it can replace some other stuff these days. WIth luck it was one of those codecs that caused the problem.

Edited by KashiwabaTomoe
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