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Collision Question


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Alright so I am makeing some more toys for children, currently I am working on a Doll its shaped very much like the Teddybear thats already in game. I am trying to figure out how to get the doll set up so when you drop it, it acts like the teddybear and has its legs and arms move.

I use blender and for the life of me I cant get it to work, does anyone know of any tuts or can point me to a solution I would be greatful.

This is my first time dealing with custom ground meshes and while I know how to set them up so they dont fall through the ground, the whole limb moving thing is brand new.


Thanks :)

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Look into Ragdoll constraints, it is what a lot of models use to get this type of limb movement. The only time I ever dealt with is is when I removed it from the teddy for a backpack. I think you will need to give your mesh bones and such, so that the game knows where everything bends, and how far it can bend.
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Ok. anyway i just made a basic subsurfed pointy ear version of the tedybear.


It moves just like a regular teddybear tho so this can be used for making any stuffed animal or similar doll!


extract teddybear01.nif from bsa


open up the ninode "bone01", a child of scene root


This ninode has 5 other children, for each other bone.

Delete the bhkcollisionobject for each of the ninodes


save your modified nif as teddybearStripped.nif or something


import the teddybearStripped in blender skeleton only.

Then select the skeleton and import the geometry.


You can then make a mesh and copy weights from the bear geometry or whatever.


export the new stuffed animal with fallout 3 defaults except for

turn off export dismember body parts

turn on use bsfadenode root

shader options of shadow map empty and unknown 31

Oh yeah you can turn of strippify geometries so u get trishape but i dont know if that matters.


Then i opened up the original teddybear01.nif and the animal1.nif that i just exported with nifskope.


remove branch on the nitrishape data and niskininstance from original teddybear01.nif


copybranch on the blocs from the animal1.nif

into the data and skin instance links on the nitrishape for teddybear01.nif


Saved in meshes]clutter]teddybear] for testing. heres a pic!

Edited by baduk
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