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Converting BBB DMRA outfit to HGEC


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I really like one of the outfits in this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33716 but I do not like the melon boobs, I rather the H cup from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28235. Any way to convert the one file over to fit or make the DMRA file an H cup? I try to find information to do such but no such luck. If anyone can supply info or just do it for me, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


Edit: or if anyone knows an outfit similiar to to the UPPER left picture of the low class 01. I want a strap type outfit going across the breasts but nothing slutty and only a top.

Edited by Icevisage
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  • 2 months later...

I've been looking kind of half assedly for a conversion tut aswell, I ran thru Saaya's BBB tutorial, excellent btw. . . It familiarizes you with some of the concepts. I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of replacing the body bit, and sculpting the clothing to better match it.


I'm sure theres complications i've yet to foresee tho.


Someone should bribe saaya into writing up a conversion specific tutorial, would be ideal.




Here's one, between this and the BBB tutorial saaya has on the site I'd say you've got at least 75% what you need. BTW, if you are half competent I would ignore the other tuts linked in saayas tutorial, was vague and full of BS iirc.

Edited by novmbar
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