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Randomness vs Canniness


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Thanks for the Link, interesting read!


I think a prevention to save scumming would be to add an additional 5% 10% 15% to the aliens aim each time an AutoSave is reloaded for the remainder of the mission . Or you can restart the mission Personally I don't mind starting the mission again If I need to reload. I don't back away from hard fights or overwhelming numbers it just that occasional point blank 100% shot that misses or does no damage whatsoever that makes you shout BS and I reload the entire mission.

Sometimes the randomness of LW works in your favour, for example; I accidently triggered a pod of 4 chrysalides which charged all in a conga line towards me, I just blasted them with AP grenades. ( I wasn't going to save scum for the Aliens sake then :smile: )

Edited by TheMeTaLMonkey
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