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Various Requests and/or ideas.


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So, I've been through Fallout 3, and just worked into Fallout: New Vegas, and through both games I realized that they were lacking in holsters.. I had always figured the makers of the games would have incorporated them, but I guess I was quite wrong. So, the modding community did it for them. An admirable feat, as well. Props to those of you who've gone and made holsters. Now, I see regular thigh and belt holsters, but what about a shoulder rig? I've not seen one of those at any point, and I think it would be pretty epic to see my character whip out his gun from a shoulder holster, but maybe it's just me. So, has anyone contemplated making one? I know it'd require a new holstering and un-holstering animation, as well as the modeling.. Then there's always the issue of clipping when walking or running. But, maybe the technical skill exists out there for this to happen, hm?


Another thing that humored me was that modders have made every gun under the sun, except the ones I look for the most (terribly convenient, no? Ha!), which are the Jericho 941, the AMT Hardballer Longslide (I've seen regular Hardballers, but not ones in Longslide... ;-) )... Then there's the Strayer-Voigt Infinity (I saw one in Fallout 3, but it had clipping issues when held, which made it unattractive for me to use. It's disconcerting when the bottom of the gun punches through your hand, isn't it? I think so. XD


I've always wanted to get into modding, just so I can create these items for my own use, but I never was able to master the software to such an extent. I had a great idea for a mod once, implementing the characters of Cowboy Bebop into Fallout in some way.. But that never came around. So, I'm posting this, in the hopes that maybe a modder that has some spare time will create at least the weapons, for Fallout New Vegas.


Ah, look.. I've gone and rambled on too much. Dammit. >.<

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Don't feel too bad, We all ramble on our first couple of posts, anyways I made a thread awhile back to help people like yourself who want to mod but can't figure things out, it has tutorials and answers made by veteren modders of Fallout to help begginners.


Heres The Link:

How To Become A Modder


Also heres another thread about Cowboy Bebop in case you want to post there as well

Cowboy Bebop: Spike's Suit

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Don't feel too bad, We all ramble on our first couple of posts, anyways I made a thread awhile back to help people like yourself who want to mod but can't figure things out, it has tutorials and answers made by veteren modders of Fallout to help begginners.


Heres The Link:

How To Become A Modder


Also heres another thread about Cowboy Bebop in case you want to post there as well

Cowboy Bebop: Spike's Suit


Thanks! I'll try to put this to use.. I've wanted to mod for a while. Hopefully this will educate me further about it. :-)

I'm not sure I can contribute much except for wishful thinking in the Bebop thread, but I will definitely keep an eye on it, just in case.

Thanks again.

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