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Script causing game to slow down, and eventually not play.


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Military NV Backpacks.esm


Military NV Backpacks - BumBagUseSlot1.esp

Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp



Veronica fix.esp

Wearable Teddypack NV.esp


Tailor Maid Black Retex - NV.esp



Oven Cooking.esp



A Repair Bot.esp

Female t51-b PA.esp





I think one of these mods is counting up or something and eventually after like 20 minutes causes the game to get jumpy and eventually slow down to a stop. Any idea which one?

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I suggest you try excluding the bigger mods one by one by loading the game without them and see if that solves te problem. Also I see that this load order has a mod loading before the main fallout esm.

If you are loading the game in the order you posted, you should move that first mod under the FNV esm.

That might even be the cause of the problem if the game is actually loading up with that order.

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I thought about trying to exclude them one at a time, it just sucks that it doesn't start happening for 20 minutes. At first I thought it was my mod PINK, because I have so many custom models used in it. But the problem doesn't go away without that one deselected. I'll try adjusting the load order.
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Go to the nexus and find the Morrowinds scipt pdf file. Get it and in ther it talks about the cpu usage and over doing scripts and the refresh parts so.
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