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Guess Who I Saw Today


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Just wondering if anyone has come across a fix for this yet? For the quest "Guess Who I Saw Today", I've gone into the cave and retrieved the damaged stealth boy and Dr. Henry has begun his experiment on Lilly, but its been about 2 weeks in the game now and Lilly still isn't finished yet. I've been out and about doing various other quests, waiting for the experiment to end but nadda in Nevada yet.

I've actually come across a few other quest like this where NCPs just seem to go on strike and quit the game. A good example would be (Quest name escapes me at the moment) after the dialogue with Chino at Gomorrah, its time for the meeting with the bosses but he stays put. I ended up going into their office and just blowing them away. Chino becomes the head of Gomorrah no problem but he wasn't any help. Also I ended up helping the NCR in their quest in Gomorrah and the secretary was no help what so ever.

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well, i can tell you that i have experienced the Cachino problem myself, on my first playthrough

the second time i did this, i passed the speech check with him, and so he went up to the room

but i think that if i had chosen another option, i would probably have the same problem


as for the Lilly bug, two times i did the quest, and twice it went perfectly

i guess it's the script that didn't run properly, as you are supposed to see the experiment starting and ending rather fast (the whole scene is about a minute long, if i recall)


look at this page

i guess that you can use the SetStage command to try and fix this (though it might only affect the quest, and not Doc. Henry and Lilly)

don't know of any fixes, but then again, never had problems......

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Of all the quests I've experienced to be broken or buggy, Lily's has always been reliable for me. That script has always run without a hitch for me, unlike the rest of the game really. You aren't running any mods by chance?


You could try using the console to set the quest stage, but sounds like something else borked your quest and reverting to a save before any extensive gaming beyond that point would have been wiser.

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