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Good Non-Nude Body Mods?


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Are there any good non-nude body mods, I don't like the Vanila bodies (male and female) much in Oblivion and Fallout games so I usualy replace them but I can not seem to find any non adult ones for New Vegas. Are there any and if not are there any plans to make one? Thank you.
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  • 8 years later...

Please note the date of the previous post, and see the Nexus "Terms of Service" about not resurrecting old threads.

Link formats on web sites often change over time. Here's how to figure out how to translate old ones into the current format (at least on the Nexus, though the general approach should work for other sites):

Suppose you have an old link to "Breezes New Vegas Males". (The old format doesn't actually matter; just the "mod id number".)

1. Find any current active mod page on the Nexus site. Doesn't matter which game, but simplest is a mod from the game you are playing. For example: "Type3 Body and Armor replacer" is currently found at:


Copy out everything up to but not including the "mod id number" (i.e. excluding "34825" in this example). That is the new link prefix in use.

2. Now take the "mod id number" from the old, no longer functional link (which is the part that uniquely IDs that mod) and add it to the end of the "new link prefix".

3. That "rebuilt" link can now be pasted into your browser as a destination URL.

So, convert the broken "Breezes" link (i.e. mod id "35451") to:


Now you can fix any broken link yourself.


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