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Immortality Pill


Wanna live forever?  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. If there was a pill that granted true immortality, would you take it?

    • Oh, yeah!
    • Not a chance...
    • Only if it tasted like candy...
  2. 2. What if it was a shot?

    • So? Bring it on!
    • Uh... I don't like needles...
    • Not a chance...
    • Only if it's gonna mess with my mind, man...

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No thanks. And if you're wondering what kind of immortality I am thinking of is this.


If you get shot, you would not get hurt, not a bruise or anything. Just torn clothes.

You wouldn't get older than about 25 years of age or so.

You wouldn't feel hunger, thirst, fatigue, etc. But you can sleep and eat as much as a normal you.


The problem is I don't want to end up floating in space as the black hole sucks me and the planets in. And what would I do if I need to suicide or something? How am I going to have fun after burying everyone on Earth?


I wouldn't have fun by trying to fly to another galaxy would I? I don't know sounds kind of fun. There is a planet like earth discovered already, but it's about 20 light years, would take me way longer to "swim" to it through space.

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You might be immortal, but it doesn't mean you won't suffer. It would be just like being some of those older folk who are stuck living with their physical disabilities for the rest of their lives. Crippled limbs, not being able to talk, hear or see. My grandmother has Alzheimer's, and I can only imagine what things will be like in the not-too-distant future. If I were in her position, I wouldn't want someone dedicating his or her life taking care of me.


And it doesn't mean you won't age. As we wither and grow old, we'll eventually take on some of the problems associated with it.


Seriously. If I got stabbed by 100 swords at the same time with one to the face, I would still be alive. That would suck. It might hurt. Just a little.


Therefore, my answer is no; I'd like to die like everyone else.

Edited by AliasTheory
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I voted no, I wouldn't want to grow old and more decrepit as the centuries pass by. Also things would quickly become really boring when some comet/asteroid strikes and shatters the Earth in the distant future, leaving you floating in space.


The good people at cracked.com happen to have an article on this very subject.

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You might be immortal, but it doesn't mean you won't suffer. It would be just like being some of those older folk who are stuck living with their physical disabilities for the rest of their lives. Crippled limbs, not being able to talk, hear or see. My grandmother has Alzheimer's, and I can only imagine what things will be like in the not-too-distant future. If I were in her position, I wouldn't want someone dedicating his or her life taking care of me.


And it doesn't mean you won't age. As we wither and grow old, we'll eventually take on some of the problems associated with it.


Seriously. If I got stabbed by 100 swords at the same time with one to the face, I would still be alive. That would suck. It might hurt. Just a little.


Therefore, my answer is no; I'd like to die like everyone else.


Fully agreed. That is what I fear if I become immortal.


Here's a quote I found somewhere on the internet long time ago.


"Immortality is fun until the Sun decides to supernova."

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Not a chance. Living forever? Anyone would eventually get tired of it. And seeing so many close friends and relatives dying.. Just think of being alive in 3 quadrillion years. And 3 quadrillion years from that, and from that, and that, and that.. it would be torture having to live for ever. It would mess with your mind too. Just to keep living on and on for ever would make people go mad. I feel uneasy thinkng about it now.
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No thanks. Death is not the true enemy of life, disease and illness are. Death is just the liberator, that comes to our aid in that final moment. Think of your self, struck down by ilness and pain, and you could not die :woot:
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I would take said pill, but only under a few conditions. One would be if it kept me at the age of my peak physical performance. I'd also like it to be able to make me invulnerable to disease and any sort of wounding. However, if the pill did not provide this, I certainly wouldn't take it. Imagine having taken it, and then experiencing a car crash or other accident that would normally kill you only the spot or shortly after. You would be in severe pain for months, years, or even forever, and honestly, I'd rather be dead than be in eternal pain.
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no way i am taking those pill,why would you want to live forever just to see people around you that you know and love pass away one by one.there's a reason why god don't grant us with immortallity and that's for the greater good for sure.
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