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7.5x55 Swiss 1911 Rifle.


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Right, first things first. Unless all those seperate pieces are using a different texture, merge them. You want three basic parts:

-The body. Consisting of the barrel, stock, sights, screws, basically anything that doesn't move. Merging these pieces together is to keep things simple, they aren't going anywhere after all. If you plan on mods to replace any piece, make that bit a separate piece so you can get rid of it when the time comes to do the modded versions.

-The Bolt, this is the part of the action that will be animated when firing.

-The magazine. You can have separate parts like the cartridges and the mag itself, but this is the bit which will be replaced when reloading.


Ground rules:

Copy the weapno whose animations you wish to use, it'll be easier this way.


#1: Import the .obj

#2: Select the mesh in the tree to the left, right click it, then mesh->stripify.

#3: right click again, node -> attach node -> BSShaderPPLightingnode

#4: right click, copy branch, paste the branch onto the right node in the pre-existing tree (e.g. clip goes to ##clip, bolt to ##bolt abnd the body goes to the root node at the top).

#5: Delete the old copies of each mesh piece that are not assigned to the correct places on the tree.

#6: change the numbers to the right of the name of each block until it has the same name tag as the vanilla piece you wish to replace.

#7: find out the number that the original pieces had under "textureset" on their "bsshaderpplightingnode". Remember it.

#8: Assign this textureset to your vanilla pieces, if you need more than one texture, you'll need to add more texturesets. It can't be that hard, I just don't remember how.

#9 delete the original pieces.

#10 assign your texture to the texturesets by opening each set -which will be addid under the BSShader node - (i.e. one of each piece using each number) and changing the texture path. You do not need the full path, the game assumes [install directory]\data\ so you must start at textures\.

#11 GECK time.


Thanks for the reply this seems like it was what I was looking for, but I have a couple questions:

- I load my mesh (.obj) not the one I am copying right?

-I stripify each part in my mesh right?


Now after doing steps 1 and 2 I right clicked again to add the BSShaderPPLightingnode but there was no "attach node" selection in the node menu, just "attach extra data". So I looked through the list but seen no BSShaderPPLightingnode.

If you could just give a little more detail on steps 1-3 I would very much appreciate that.

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Alright thank you I think I am finally starting to understand, also I found the BSshaderppligingnode in "attach property" would it be the node you were referring to? If I run into any problems I will post them sometime this afternoon/evening.


I am wondering though how to I add BSShaderTextureSet nodes for each peice? Is that what step 10 is describing?

Edited by pickinthebanjo
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Open the node on the tree to the left. select the bsshader node.


The box at the bottom will have a ton of stuuff listed in it then a box with "none". A number goes in there. Copy that number from the old node. It's called "textureset" or "textures" or something similar. You can then click the little [+] by the bsshader node to edit the texture path you want to use.

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Alright so I started off by Loading the rifle I modeled mine after into NifsKope, then I imported my .obj mesh in.

After that I stripified each piece of my mesh then added a BSShaderPPLightingProperty node to each piece.

Then copied over the texture set numbers inside the BSShaderPPLightingProperty nodes.

Then I set the texture paths to use the correct textures.

Then I copied over the values from each piece.

Then I copied each branch and pasted them on the other rifles parts.


From what I noticed is that when I started I had two lists in the block list, now it seems like I just have the one list with my parts mixed in. Now I am confused as to how I replace each part with my parts.

Edited by pickinthebanjo
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Alright so I started off by Loading the rifle I modeled mine after into NifsKope, then I imported my .obj mesh in.

After that I stripified each piece of my mesh then added a BSShaderPPLightingProperty node to each piece.

Then copied over the texture set numbers inside the BSShaderPPLightingProperty nodes.

Then I set the texture paths to use the correct textures.

Then I copied over the values from each piece.

Then I copied each branch and pasted them on the other rifles parts.


From what I noticed is that when I started I had two lists in the block list, now it seems like I just have the one list with my parts mixed in. Now I am confused as to how I replace each part with my parts. Here is a pic of my progress so far, maybe it will help -




Sorry if you pretty much have to walk me step by step through this but this program is alien to me, it's almost like trying to figure out another language.


How do you relode this rifle? Like M1 Garand or the Hunting rifle?

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Alright so I started off by Loading the rifle I modeled mine after into NifsKope, then I imported my .obj mesh in.

After that I stripified each piece of my mesh then added a BSShaderPPLightingProperty node to each piece.

Then copied over the texture set numbers inside the BSShaderPPLightingProperty nodes.

Then I set the texture paths to use the correct textures.

Then I copied over the values from each piece.

Then I copied each branch and pasted them on the other rifles parts.


From what I noticed is that when I started I had two lists in the block list, now it seems like I just have the one list with my parts mixed in. Now I am confused as to how I replace each part with my parts. Here is a pic of my progress so far, maybe it will help -




Sorry if you pretty much have to walk me step by step through this but this program is alien to me, it's almost like trying to figure out another language.


How do you relode this rifle? Like M1 Garand or the Hunting rifle?


If you mean how does the action move when you reload, it is a straight pull bolt action meaning you grab the handle and pull back then push forward, no lifting the bolt. Aside from that it loads just like any other rifle using clips

here is some video of one being fired -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRl0rbKSTC0&feature=player_embedded


I just watched like a dozen other videos of that rifle and they all say the same good things about that rifle, I recommend you watch a few others as well to see just how good this uncommon rifle is considering the 1911 is 100 years old this year

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Right, first things first. Unless all those seperate pieces are using a different texture, merge them. You want three basic parts:

-The body. Consisting of the barrel, stock, sights, screws, basically anything that doesn't move. Merging these pieces together is to keep things simple, they aren't going anywhere after all. If you plan on mods to replace any piece, make that bit a separate piece so you can get rid of it when the time comes to do the modded versions.

-The Bolt, this is the part of the action that will be animated when firing.

-The magazine. You can have separate parts like the cartridges and the mag itself, but this is the bit which will be replaced when reloading.



I was reading over the past posts again in an effort to figure out if I missed something, then I read this above paragraph again and wondered how I should go about merging them because in both 3DS Max 10 and Blender there is only three pieces - Bolt, Magazine, Body/Receiver but when I import the .obj it shows up as a 21 piece mesh, which suffice it to say boggles my mind. The way I see it is if I can get it down the the three main parts I could probably try importing it into a different mesh. (The mesh I am importing it into in Nifskope contains the same pieces since it was what I used as a base template for modeling my mesh in 3DS Max)


On another note thank you very much for your help so far, it has been invaluable to completing this project and learning the process in general.

Can't wait till step #11 lol, GECK time

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Alright I managed to figure it out and I got it into the game but the problem now is that I can't fire it and it is held like some sort of melee weapon. -



If anybody knows how to fix this I will be able to release this finally.

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