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A Question About ChangeMorph files


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I realized that when I try to add things to the override folder, if you have more then one changemorph file, tthe new mod doesn't work... but if you removed and replaced the old morph file... wouldn't that remove the older morph? Sorry if this isn't where I'm suppose to post this. I wasn't sure exactly where it should go.
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Hey, MandySummer; You're right, the qustion doesn't go here. It goes in the DA Nexus "Technical Support" or "Mod Troubleshooting" sub-forums. But since you're so new...


You need to combine every mod you're using's chargenmorphcfg.xml with that of all others, to create a single one that the game engine can read.


See the excellent utility by TerraEx here: "CharGenMorph Compiler". :thumbsup:

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Oh! I am so sorry. I couldn't find the folder. Where is it exactly? I will try the file and I hope it works. Thanks so much for the fast reply and the help :D

np. There's a lot here and it can get confusing. :laugh:


If you click "Forums" at the topic of each page, you'll see the entire list (Nexus itself, the various games with their own sub-forums, "legacy" games, and some more topics). Under "Dragon Age", there are another 8-or-so sub-forums, including the "Tech Support" and "Troubleshooting" ones I mentioned. :thumbsup:

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