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Unexplained UI Problems

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Here are my pc specs:


Processor Inter® Core I5-3570K CPU @ 3.40Hz


Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti


Memory 8.2 GB


Os Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601) , 64 bit


Problem: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=417647812


I have a problem where buttons react to the mouse position incorrectly and fonts are cut off randomly. I have tried re-installing and changing the load order but now it seems to be happening even when there are no mods installed. Could anyone give some suggestions on how to get it to work?

Edited by Deadshotraider1
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I remember having similar problems with menus shrinking and my HUD, too, became smaller. And then the texts were cut off, etc.


Have you changed the fDefaultFOV (or something like it) setting in Oblivion.ini? Changing it messes up my menus and such. There is also some flickering during loading screens, at least the first one. If you have not changed it, perhaps a mod has changed it? For me, the FOV modifying feature of Oblivion Reloaded fails to reset the .ini value to the default 75. And it also has some other issues (the FOV changing feature), so I disabled it. But that could have just been me and my awkward assortment of mods. Other features of OR work just fine.


So my suggestion would be to make sure the fDefaultFOV in Oblivion.ini is set to 75 and that no mods change the value in the .ini. It might help. Or might not...

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