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[ User Bain ] Darth Budda 2011


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The Darth Budda Project


Okay first off I am new to "The Nexus," Been playing Oblivion for about 3 weeks now,

I got by with Omods just enough to know I wanted to customize more!!!

I am not new to ES per say I played through all of morrowwind on the good old X-Box....



The more I read about BAIN the more I realized I was all ready doing some of my organization Bain style. So I decided to Jump in!!!


I will update my thread, and appreciate any advice, either on mod selection or Bain organization....



I have found http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/, To be the most up to date Archive for information,

As of the time of my Post 12/05/10,,, Thats got to be by biggest issue with this mods, Their is so much old information on the net it's easy to find old threads and or mods,,,

only to find newer more up to date ones latter.



My system Specs are,

# Processor = Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9450 @ 2.66GHz

# Memory = 4 GB 1333MHz DDR3 4DIMM

# Motherboard = nVidia nForce 790i Ultra SLi SPP

# Graphics Card = (2) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 Sli


I hope to be able to play with all the new HD graphics,, We will see how it goes.


My Mod List

Updated 01/14/11


==Unofficial Patches ==

  2. Unofficial Oblivion Patch V3.20
  3. Unofficial Official Mods Patch V1.50
  4. Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplementals V3.33
  5. Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch


== Overhauls ==

  2. Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul 133
  3. Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul V1.33 Patch
  4. Common Oblivion (Cobl) V1.72
  5. Item Interchange V0.78
  6. Cobl Bookplacement V1.00
  7. Book Placement v2 en


== Overhauls Overrides and Patches ==

  2. Frostcrag Reborn V3.06
  3. SM Plugin Refurbish V1.30


== Dialogues ==


== User Interface == Main ==

  2. DarkUId DarN v1.6
  3. Dark UI Supplemental Pack V1.0
  4. Alchemy Advanced V1.2
  5. wz_inventory_fixed plus DarkUI V1.62
  6. Menu Escape V0.71
  7. HUD Status Bars V2.01
  8. Keychain V5
  9. Bain Mods Streamline V3.1


== User Interface == Map ==


== User Interface == Character ==


== Sounds ==


== Texture Packs ==


== Environments ==


== Weather ==


== Quests ==


== Dungeons ==


== Locations ==


== Houses ==


== Unique Landscapes ==


== Cities and Villages ==


== Roads and Infrastructure ==


== Races and Bodies ==


== Companions ==


== Magic ==


== Stealth ==


== Combat ==


== Scaling and Leveling ==


== Errata ==



Edited by DarthBudda420
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Well Progress is going good,,, I updated the my master list on the first post,,,


I am now installing the remaining mods,,,


I had these mods running before with Omods, so I hope I can get it working with out,,,


Than I can start to customize some more!!



any one have any good mods to add to my list???



I want to see what my GFX card and Oblivion can do!

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You have two delinquent masters... So this indicates you have not properly set up your Load Order with BOSS. Be sure to update your masterlist. Wrye Bash includes and auto-update setting every time you run BOSS from within Wrye Bash. Check the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide for Newbies for instructions.


57  Better Cities Full - Unique Landscape Barrowfields.esp  [Version 4.7.0]
----> Delinquent MASTER: Better Cities Full.esp

65  Better Cities Full - Unique Landscape Cheydinhal Falls.esp  [Version 4.7.0]
----> Delinquent MASTER: Better Cities Full.esp



You have an ESP that's gaurenteed to crash your game on save after performing a critical kill. You need to read the Deadly Reflex 6 Bug report and Release Thread if you're going to use the mod. Remember it's in BETA form. If you're not willing to deal with, and report bugs, you should just uninstall it now and use Deadly Reflex v5 with the Hotfix. It's stable.


7F  DRSplatter.esp



You have a mod that directly conflicts with Deadly Reflex 6 and will cause problems with both mods. Again, read the BETA thread. It mentions the conflict, but I'll add some additional information I haven't reported yet. It's an animation and script conflict, it cannot be be fixed by shuffling the LO. Nor can it be fixed by tagging and importing animations or scripts into the Bashed Patch. I've tried. I've examined both mods in TES4Edit, they directly conflict at this time and there is no "quick" fix. You have to disable one or the other.


22  P1DseeYouSleep.esp
23  P1DseeYouSleep - Vampire Bedroll Anims.esp
24  Portable Campsite.esp
++  P1DseeYouSleep - Portable Campsite.esp



Despite many efforts to fix the following mod it still causes problems, CTD's, for some people. May want to consider removing it if you have recurring problems.


73  Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp  [Version 3.08]



Need to update the following mods...


26  Enhanced Economy.esp  [Version 5.0.2]
2C  Map Marker Overhaul.esp  [Version 3.7.1]
2D  Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp  [Version 3.5]
2E  Enhanced Hotkeys.esp  [Version 2.0]



I probably missed a few things also but that will give you a good place to start on cleaning up and updating your LO.


Good luck.

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Hey thanks a lot,,,


I have been reading around and not 100% sure what to do with the BSA Files with a Bain setup,,,,,


Should I unpack them all?


I read that you should repack them with no compression? so should I just unpack them?




two delinquent masters,,,, Ok I fixed that,,, Boss did not recognizes 3 of the mods,,,,


It's the latest version I think,,,,


86 Better Cities Full - Unique Landscape Barrowfields.esp [Version 4.7.0]

87 Better Cities Full - Unique Landscape Cheydinhal Falls.esp [Version 4.7.0]




DLCSpellTomes Unofficial Patch.esp


Which is Bashed in to the patch




I want Horse Combat!!!!


I think I want to keep with DR6 ,, I really hate the combat system,,,,,


EDIT 3: Only Crash I am getting so far is I can't get a clean exit from the game,,, I have tried Fast Exit 2 and 3


Fast Exit 3 works!!! ,, I had the OMOD done up wrong,,,, Opps,,,,


I still need to Bain my OBSE folder

Edited by DarthBudda420
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