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this doesn't usually happen, but i am lost for words

usually the problem is that people have just installed the programs in a wrong way, or tried to use them in a wrong way

but if this isn't the case, than i have no idea what could be the case


are you sure that you have installed OBMM correctly?? (i know it's a desperate move, but i have no more ideas.......)

OBMM installs itself and puts itself in the right folder i will reinstall it though no luck does the same thing : /

Edited by regon
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OBMM does not need OBSE. However, OBMM will launch OBSE automatically for you if you do not use the OBSE launcher and start Oblivion using OBMM. For this to work, you must have OBSE installed properly.


Deadly Reflex does need OBSE though so you MUST launch OBSE somehow before starting Oblivion. And the standard Steam launcher does not do this.


There is a special installer, or a special way of installing OBSE to work properly with steam. I do not use steam for Oblivion so I don't know the procedure.

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OBMM does not need OBSE. However, OBMM will launch OBSE automatically for you if you do not use the OBSE launcher and start Oblivion using OBMM. For this to work, you must have OBSE installed properly.


Deadly Reflex does need OBSE though so you MUST launch OBSE somehow before starting Oblivion. And the standard Steam launcher does not do this.


There is a special installer, or a special way of installing OBSE to work properly with steam. I do not use steam for Oblivion so I don't know the procedure.

That doesent really help me : / i need to know what the special installer is

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First, what do you have fNearDistance= set to? Deadly Reflex 6 recommends you put it at 0 but this will cause menu buttons to disappear in some situations, like in your pics. I suggest you set it to 5 or 6, I use 6. The default is 10, use that if all else fails. I suggest you use 10 for troubleshooting purposes anyway.


Next there is no "special installer" for OBSE and STEAM. OBSE includes an extra .dll file that you must use with STEAM. The name of the file is obse_steam_loader.dll and it has to be present in your Oblivion directory, along with the other OBSE files. Below, a direct quote from the OBSE ReadMe.



1. Copy obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, and obse_steam_loader.dll to your Oblivion directory. This is usually "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\common\oblivion".

2. Launch Oblivion via Steam or by running Oblivion.exe. OBSE will automatically be run along with Oblivion when launched. To disable this, rename or move obse_steam_loader.dll. You do not need to use obse_loader.exe unless you are running the editor.

The last sentence about the obse_loader.exe is only relevant if you're using the Construction Set. However you can leave all 4 OBSE files in your Oblivion directory and it won't hurt a thing. I have all 4 there since I frequently use the Construction Set with OBSE enabled.


That's all you need to do, nothing more, nothing less. If the OBSE files are in the proper directory the game will then load with OBSE every time you launch Oblivion from the STEAM Library. No if, and, or buts about it. I've used the STEAM version for a very long time now and know this to be 100% fact. You can verify that OBSE is working because you'll get a small black DOS box in the upper left of your screen when you first launch Oblivion, right before it goes full screen.


With the STEAM version there is no need to launch from anywhere but the STEAM library or right click STEAM down by your clock and select Oblivion from there.


Next possibility for the issue you have is OBGE, Oblivion Graphics Extender. If you run OBGE and AA, Anit-Aliasing, it will cause missing menus occasionally. Below, a direct quote from the FAQ.

Q: The ordering of the objects on the screen is messed up or the game menu has no buttons! Why is this happening?


Q: Once I got the effects to work, my AA disappeared? WHY?!?


A: The method used to expose the information used to read the depth buffer is incompatible with Anti-Aliasing. This is reported to be the case on both ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards, although owners of ATI graphics cards can force AA through ATI Tray Tools without problems. The only solution is to edit the obse.ini file in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder and change this line:


That's it. That's the only three possibilities for this issue outside of an improper Oblivion UI installation. Have you recently changed your UI? (User Interface) If not your solution is above.


I'm willing to bet it's OBGE or you changed fNearDistance=, which the DR 6 installation guide suggests you do, to something lower than the default, which is 10. First change that back to 10 or like I mentioned above, try 5 or 6. If that doesn't work, disable your AA so OBGE functions correctly. Still nothing? Disable OBGE completely by removing the OBGEv2.dll from your OBSE\Plugins\ directory. Report back with your progress.


Good luck.

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First, what do you have fNearDistance= set to? Deadly Reflex 6 recommends you put it at 0 but this will cause menu buttons to disappear in some situations, like in your pics. I suggest you set it to 5 or 6, I use 6. The default is 10, use that if all else fails. I suggest you use 10 for troubleshooting purposes anyway.


Next there is no "special installer" for OBSE and STEAM. OBSE includes an extra .dll file that you must use with STEAM. The name of the file is obse_steam_loader.dll and it has to be present in your Oblivion directory, along with the other OBSE files. Below, a direct quote from the OBSE ReadMe.



1. Copy obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, and obse_steam_loader.dll to your Oblivion directory. This is usually "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\common\oblivion".

2. Launch Oblivion via Steam or by running Oblivion.exe. OBSE will automatically be run along with Oblivion when launched. To disable this, rename or move obse_steam_loader.dll. You do not need to use obse_loader.exe unless you are running the editor.

The last sentence about the obse_loader.exe is only relevant if you're using the Construction Set. However you can leave all 4 OBSE files in your Oblivion directory and it won't hurt a thing. I have all 4 there since I frequently use the Construction Set with OBSE enabled.


That's all you need to do, nothing more, nothing less. If the OBSE files are in the proper directory the game will then load with OBSE every time you launch Oblivion from the STEAM Library. No if, and, or buts about it. I've used the STEAM version for a very long time now and know this to be 100% fact. You can verify that OBSE is working because you'll get a small black DOS box in the upper left of your screen when you first launch Oblivion, right before it goes full screen.


With the STEAM version there is no need to launch from anywhere but the STEAM library or right click STEAM down by your clock and select Oblivion from there.


Next possibility for the issue you have is OBGE, Oblivion Graphics Extender. If you run OBGE and AA, Anit-Aliasing, it will cause missing menus occasionally. Below, a direct quote from the FAQ.

Q: The ordering of the objects on the screen is messed up or the game menu has no buttons! Why is this happening?


Q: Once I got the effects to work, my AA disappeared? WHY?!?


A: The method used to expose the information used to read the depth buffer is incompatible with Anti-Aliasing. This is reported to be the case on both ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards, although owners of ATI graphics cards can force AA through ATI Tray Tools without problems. The only solution is to edit the obse.ini file in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder and change this line:


That's it. That's the only three possibilities for this issue outside of an improper Oblivion UI installation. Have you recently changed your UI? (User Interface) If not your solution is above.


I'm willing to bet it's OBGE or you changed fNearDistance=, which the DR 6 installation guide suggests you do, to something lower than the default, which is 10. First change that back to 10 or like I mentioned above, try 5 or 6. If that doesn't work, disable your AA so OBGE functions correctly. Still nothing? Disable OBGE completely by removing the OBGEv2.dll from your OBSE\Plugins\ directory. Report back with your progress.


Good luck.

It might be the distance indeed i followed the suggestion

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First, what do you have fNearDistance= set to? Deadly Reflex 6 recommends you put it at 0 but this will cause menu buttons to disappear in some situations, like in your pics. I suggest you set it to 5 or 6, I use 6. The default is 10, use that if all else fails. I suggest you use 10 for troubleshooting purposes anyway.


Next there is no "special installer" for OBSE and STEAM. OBSE includes an extra .dll file that you must use with STEAM. The name of the file is obse_steam_loader.dll and it has to be present in your Oblivion directory, along with the other OBSE files. Below, a direct quote from the OBSE ReadMe.



1. Copy obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, and obse_steam_loader.dll to your Oblivion directory. This is usually "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\common\oblivion".

2. Launch Oblivion via Steam or by running Oblivion.exe. OBSE will automatically be run along with Oblivion when launched. To disable this, rename or move obse_steam_loader.dll. You do not need to use obse_loader.exe unless you are running the editor.

The last sentence about the obse_loader.exe is only relevant if you're using the Construction Set. However you can leave all 4 OBSE files in your Oblivion directory and it won't hurt a thing. I have all 4 there since I frequently use the Construction Set with OBSE enabled.


That's all you need to do, nothing more, nothing less. If the OBSE files are in the proper directory the game will then load with OBSE every time you launch Oblivion from the STEAM Library. No if, and, or buts about it. I've used the STEAM version for a very long time now and know this to be 100% fact. You can verify that OBSE is working because you'll get a small black DOS box in the upper left of your screen when you first launch Oblivion, right before it goes full screen.


With the STEAM version there is no need to launch from anywhere but the STEAM library or right click STEAM down by your clock and select Oblivion from there.


Next possibility for the issue you have is OBGE, Oblivion Graphics Extender. If you run OBGE and AA, Anit-Aliasing, it will cause missing menus occasionally. Below, a direct quote from the FAQ.

Q: The ordering of the objects on the screen is messed up or the game menu has no buttons! Why is this happening?


Q: Once I got the effects to work, my AA disappeared? WHY?!?


A: The method used to expose the information used to read the depth buffer is incompatible with Anti-Aliasing. This is reported to be the case on both ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards, although owners of ATI graphics cards can force AA through ATI Tray Tools without problems. The only solution is to edit the obse.ini file in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder and change this line:


That's it. That's the only three possibilities for this issue outside of an improper Oblivion UI installation. Have you recently changed your UI? (User Interface) If not your solution is above.


I'm willing to bet it's OBGE or you changed fNearDistance=, which the DR 6 installation guide suggests you do, to something lower than the default, which is 10. First change that back to 10 or like I mentioned above, try 5 or 6. If that doesn't work, disable your AA so OBGE functions correctly. Still nothing? Disable OBGE completely by removing the OBGEv2.dll from your OBSE\Plugins\ directory. Report back with your progress.


Good luck.

It might be the distance indeed i followed the suggestion

Sorry having trouble with this interface on forums but i changed it to 10 again no luck.... im using darnified UI

Edited by regon
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I left plenty of info there and you only followed one suggestion. You stopped at step 1... I think you need to reread the post because it covers the information you need to fix your problem.

I do not have this issue when i luanch the game from steam only when its luanched through obmm but deadly reflex does not seem to work if i launch the game via steam : /

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If you have OBSE installed correctly you only need to launch Oblivion through STEAM. (I've already covered this above...) Deadly Reflex 5 and 6 both work just fine. Well, bugs aside for DR 6, they work with STEAM.


Does the small black box appear in the upper left of your screen when you first launch Oblivion? I mentioned this before also. You need to be exact with your information. You're being much too broad just saying "it doesn't work." Tell us what happens, what doesn't happen, what do you see, etc... etc...


What exactly do you mean "Deadly Reflex does not seem to work"? Describe your problem exactly.


There is not much more than can be done about the OBSE issue. Other than saying the same stuff over and over. OBSE works just fine with STEAM. And of course you want to make sure you have the latest version, 19b.


The only other possibility I can think of is,... You have Vista or Windows 7 and you installed STEAM, and therefor Oblivion, in the default directory of Program Files. Which is a protected directory and UAC does not like programs, or users even, to alter the files. Since OBSE hooks into the launcher.exe with .dll files UAC could be preventing it from properly working. If this is the case you need to reinstall STEAM and Oblivion to another location outside the jurisdiction of UAC. An example would be C:\Games\STEAM\. Then all your STEAM games will fall in that folder and UAC will not interfere.

Edited by Smooth613
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Thank you Smooth. I looked all over for the info on that dll. Obviously in the wrong places. I have copied it into my resource files for future reference - along with a credit for pointing it out. :thumbsup:
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