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Legendary Deathclaw is a nice guy to talk about! Yesterday I visited the Dead Wind Cave and after several attempts succeeded in killing this thing. Now I understand why he is called tough! But actually he died very stupidly - my companion Rex fell him down twice and I wiped him out with CZ57 Avenger at a short distance. I was shocked and at the same time pleased because L. Deathclaw was simply lying on the ground not making a single move and my group fired at him with the maximal intensity. So it is truly possible to kill him without any harm to your company. Just a matter of luck and patience.
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I play with a trackpad on a laptop, so sneaking and VATS are totally necessary. The legendary beasts were no challenge the first time round as I already had a silenced sniper rifle, better criticals and custom .308 ammo when I met them. Two quick headshots and a couple of body shots while it wondered where the shots were coming and even the legendary deathclaw went down. Two wing shots got the Cazador, so I only knew I had got it when I looted the corpse.


The second time I got the deathclaw with a silenced 12.7 SMG. Used up almost all my stock of 12.7 ammo, one clip while it was unaware, one more while it advanced and a third one in VATS. That really got the adrenaline going!


But if I had met them earlier, I would just have reloaded and gone somewhere else for a while. Just thinking of going after them with a cowboy repeater...

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A person would figure that after three games on the same game engine wherein sneak brought the game to its knees, the devs would sense a problem. Their combat AI is so intolerably stupid, and their sneak mechanic so inherently flawed, that there is little chance for any enemy to every overcome the advantage of a player sneaking in this or any Bethesda game.


Which is why I am fixing this in my hardercore enhanced mod, coming soon. No more outdoor, daytime sneak. None. Period. Its a desert.


Okay, shameless self promotion aside, I sincerely hope this is something they look into in the future. It took me 2 hours, including testing, to fix combat AI in this game (thanks, Arwen, your FO3 mod was a learning tool here.) The devs have years to make combat interesting and challenging. All I can figure is that a large enough portion of the gaming crowd actually likes robotic NPC's who all fight with guns by bum rushing gun-wielding players for the sake of easier kills?

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At Black Co-you should make ghillie suits to go with it for day time sneaking.just make it harder for them to notice you or something because i tend to do a lot of daytime sniping while crouched and removing the sneak while cool,


i have to agree,enemies who attack in the same patterns dull fast *cough*halo*cough*

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A person would figure that after three games on the same game engine wherein sneak brought the game to its knees, the devs would sense a problem. Their combat AI is so intolerably stupid, and their sneak mechanic so inherently flawed, that there is little chance for any enemy to every overcome the advantage of a player sneaking in this or any Bethesda game.


Which is why I am fixing this in my hardercore enhanced mod, coming soon. No more outdoor, daytime sneak. None. Period. Its a desert.


Okay, shameless self promotion aside, I sincerely hope this is something they look into in the future. It took me 2 hours, including testing, to fix combat AI in this game (thanks, Arwen, your FO3 mod was a learning tool here.) The devs have years to make combat interesting and challenging. All I can figure is that a large enough portion of the gaming crowd actually likes robotic NPC's who all fight with guns by bum rushing gun-wielding players for the sake of easier kills?


Only reason I've ever played a Bethesda game is the Fallout License - as its the only thing that's allowed me to stomach the bugs and instability.


Sneak itself isn't so much the big problem (although a notable factor) in comparison to the AI. Stealth is supposed to be deadly and the general balance is (or at least supposed to be) that stealth is generally more time consuming. Silent Running tends to negate that issue, but it is pretty sad when I can eliminate whoever I choose in the Silver Rush just by getting in a corner and getting one shot kills. It's pretty sad when the guy standing next to the guy I just shot is covered in blood and doesn't notice something is terribly wrong.


Eliminating all daytime sneak seems like a poor solution. Just because its broad daylight doesn't mean the enemies are guaranteed to see me, afterall snipers can work in broad daylight using their environment to mask their position. Distance alone will make it hard to spot someone, assuming they're in a decent position.


As FPS is one of my genre mainstays, I'm accustomed to a much better difficulty experience (albeit better performance as well). Since my judgements are heavily influenced from experiences based in Half-Life and Half-Life 2, the bar is pretty damn high. Far Cry had impressive AI (for the time and it still "surpasses" the FO3 experience) and Crysis was an interesting concept, but no FPS I can think of has had a story as gripping as the HL saga. Doom was what really pushed me into the genre after dabbling with WOLF3D but even Doom 3 was a letdown.


The thing about FPS is it tends to get a bit monotonous - adding the RPG aspect like in Mass Effect (technically 3rd Person Shooter) and FO3 tends to balance things out a bit more and make killing x feel a bit more rewarding, at least for a while. Truth be told, the more open the game world, the less one can expect from the AI as said openness adds a number of new variables that the AI must be able to interpret and adapt to.


Considering some of the most memorable game moments (in any game) are generally heavily scripted, it be pretty hard to adapt that scripted behavior to so many environments.


You know, I wonder just how much time I'd be willing to put into the game without the Geck and community modding, considering I have yet to enjoy a vanilla playthrough more than a modded one.

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Growing up on games like Quake 1-lll Arena,Half Life Lost Coast,Far Cry and Battle Field BC2(had AI that actually used cover!)Gears of War,FNV leaves something to be desired,I mean,sure having an enemy who charges you is fun once in a while,but they have no idea on tactics or cover use,and that makes FNV feel empty to me. To me,EVERY enemy weather it be a deathclaw or a lowly thug,they all use the same basic attack and that is,rush,attack,die. and its always a head on attack too,so I can agree,with an actor that has a high sneak,and a silenced weapon,the game becomes a shoot the fish in the barrel. The AI just feels unfinished and feels dead,not alive.Thats one thing Betheseda could have learned from GTA IV. The AI felt alive in their random actions.Walking around on their cell phones,getting food,it actually felt alive compared to 3 and NV.


I mean yeah its fun to raid a building,and take out 15 guys like a ghost,but doing it over and over really ruins a game. even with MMM i could go into the sewers with my modified snipers rifle and take out all the ghouls and theyd never know i was there.

Edited by Azrael120782
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I remember there being a mod that rather nicely fixed sneak in FO3.


It appears to be within the games engine to make it better too. The variables seem to all be there to make the right balance.


I can't really agree with the op. You can sneak up on someone in broad daylight, and in the open. I mean, don't tell me you have never snuck up on a friend, even if it was by accident. Being able to wipe out a room though without anyone noticing corpses piling up is silly though. Taking the van graffs for instance, it should not even be possible to hide in the main room without a stealth boy. The combat AI is ridiculously stupid though, and I hope your mod does well.


I remember using a mod in FO3 that made Black Talon employ squad tactics. That made things interesting.

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