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OBMM Load Order Issue - Grouping?


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Is there a way to group certain .esp files so that they always load in the correct order? I have two or three companions and they have files (e.g. sensual walk, specific race file) that has to go after their file.


Sometimes those files load above the main file. I was wondering if there was a way to 'tie' them together.


I also try to move them up or down and they skip several other files in a single jump. They don't always move up or down one file at a time. Does anyone else have this problem?


I have the most up to date versions of OBMM, obse, and BOSS. My game works, but this is a pain in the tush that would alleviate stress if there is a simple fix.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



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I'm not that saavy to load Wrye Bash, I think, so that option is out.


Is that the only way? What does the group function in OBMM do?


When I create an OMOD, could I put those files all in the same archive as I create it?

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well, i'm not sure if Wrye Bash is the only option for grouping

it's just the only one i know of (well, the only one i have tried to use anyway)


as for the function in OBMM, as i said, i never tried to use it, so i don't know


as for creating an OMOD, as far as i know, even when you create an OMOD, the plugins don't have to stay together

for example, if you have an OMOD that has both an esm and esp files, they won't have to be placed near each other

if you add several files to an OMOD, it just makes sure that all of them will be installed into the game, but you can still move them around, disable some or all of them, and things like that


now, as a general advice, create an OMOD of only the mod, and don't combine mods

the thing is, making OMODs is a great way to manage mods, especially if you need to remove a problematic mod

and if you start combining mods, you might remove more than you want

so i wouldn't do that, but this is totally up to you

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You can create a Userlist with the newer versions of BOSS. Any version 1.6x will have the userlist function which allows you to use commands to ADD or OVERRIDE mods to place them where you want. Each time you run BOSS the rule will be applied. I always suggest using the most recent version available.
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