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Dwemer Kingdom in Aetherious


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Can someone design an entire kingdom in Aetherious dedicated to the Dwemer? Maybe even have it send you back in time to the days when the Dwemer walked Nirn and go through the storyline of the experiment on the Heart of Lorkin? If so please PM me and let me know if anyone is interested.



If needed i can send pictures of book pages writen in Dwemer text for when the mod is made.

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actually its not small if you think about it. I mean tecnically you could finally create the story of the disappearence of the Dwemer. It would include what happened to them, where they went, and how they plan on returning. Its the perfecy mod for those interested i the Dwemer. Plus theres an entire site about ideas on what happened.

Edited by chaos18802
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I loved reading about the dwemer lore, specifically what happened to them. I dunno, I never played Morrowind so it was all new info for me. But a mod like this would be pretty big in scope. You'd need a lot of new art assets for fully working, non-ancient dwemer tech, the dwemer people themselves, etc. Voicework too. But I think a mod that explores this area of the elder scrolls lore, executed right, could be the most exciting thing ever released. I'm basically waiting for Bethesda to release something that goes into that area in a future game, but a Falskaar-esque huge addition by a mod team would be the next best thing.

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