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Simple container problem


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Heyhey! I know this has been discussed a 100 times but i cannot find a direct solution. I need a container to hold my stuff made in geck so i wont have to add them per console.


I downloaded a mod that gives a simple first aid box to the wall to see how this works and what to do in geck. Works okay ingame. But when i edit the container in geck (edit base or directly the in comt list) to hold my items and save it, the game shows the items originally in the mod. Tried to wait for 8 days (made it respawn too to replenish(?)) but it doesnt work.


I appreciate some help on this one, regards.


edit: Also i tried to edit vendor containers from other mods they wont work either. Load order okay btw.

Edited by mancika
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Could you explain in more detail what you're trying to do.


You just want a simple container, say a medical box, to have certain items in it when the game starts?


No scripting or changes to the box? You want the items to respawn after a certain time or want them to reappear when you want them to?


Sorry.. little confused.

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open the GECK, and load your game

in the Object Window, click on World Objects -> Container

now find the type of container that you want

right click on it, and choose Edit

in the window that pops up, change the ID to something special (like MyContainer or something you can remember)

then click OK, and when asked if you want to make a new object, click yes

now go and find the container that you have created, and click to edit it

first, give it a unique name (not really needed, but good to have)


then all you have to do is two things

the first is to put the container in the world (in the cell window, choose the cell you want to add it to, double click it, then when it opens in the render window, just drag the container to the cell, and move it to the position you want)

the second is changing the item list of the container, to have your items in it

just find your items, and drag them into the list (you should probably empty the list from any other items first)

and i would recommend setting it to not respawn


if you want to use this as a safe container, then set it to not respawn, and you can put in it whatever you want, and they will stay there


hope this helps :)

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Re-reading your post, I have another question.


When you edit the medical box and 'Edit Base' and enter your items there, is there an attached script?


What might be happening is that a possible script is overwriting what you put in the box. Where it says script, leave it blank.


Infact, make a new box entirely following WastelandAssassin's clear instructions. Then you won't have to worry about what other people have done.

Edited by Samustus
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Thank you for a fast reply. I followed what you did and it works. Thx. What i dont understand why it did not work with the small mod file where i edited the CONT that belonged to the already placed world object.


@samustus: no scripts. I just dont want to add my stuff per console when i make something.


Question1: if i edit the CONT again and again will the content change or do i have to place other containers in the world with the newly made items (armor weapons etc...)?

Question2: how does replenishing work (respawning content in the container)?

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if i understand your question correctly (the first question) than you can basically add as many items as you want to the container, every time you make a new item, you can add it to that container, as long as the item is made in the same plugin, or that plugin being loaded with the item plugin


if i didn't answer your question, could you please clarify it??


as for the second question, i'll try to explain

basically, in the game, the respawning rate is set to happen once every 72 hours (in game hours, that is)

what happens is that every time a container respawns, basically all it's contents are deleted, and it has all the items that stated in it's Item List in the GECK

this is why, if you want to make a safe container, you must set it to not respawn


i hope this answers your questions :)

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