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AIS Emporium Problem/Question


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Greetings all,

Just to start out, I posted pretty much this same problem/question in the AIS thread on the Uploaded Files boards. The previous post on that thread was September of last year, so it is NOT the most active thread. Here's hoping someone might read this and have a suggestion.


I installed the AIS Emporium with no problems. It appears on my map, and I am able to purchase the full range of items. The problem I am having though, is that once I have purchased an item, the slots for enchantments on the items disappear once the item moves to my inventory. Now this may not seem like a big deal at first glance, but it really is! I LOVE enchantments, and I make a point of utilizing them to the fullest I am able and can think of. Has anyone had a problem like this? Is there something I can do or should be doing to make my weapons enchantment-receptive? Does it matter that I am only level 7? Thank you in advance for any help.



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