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Animal Follower spell


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Im making a vampire mod, and im having trouble creating a spell

I want to make a wolf or skeever follow me ! thats it, no commands, no item trade nothing , just follow me and attack the enemy

can someone help me?


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Create a Formlist with the types of creatures that will follow.

Add a script to your projectile for the spell.

In your script fill global variables for x, y, z with the projectile position.


In the script that fires the spell check where your spell hits via the global variables and using FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInList(), if there is a creature in the radius then use:





That's the basic idea of it, but it could be done other ways.

Sorry not to more specific, but I didn't feel like writing an example plugin without seeing what you already have done.

Edited by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE
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