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Custom race CM Partners casting random spells


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I'm using CM Partners 2.0. I have created my own custom race companions. The race I'm using is the beautiful DesuChans_Kawa-Khajiits. I have had zero problems with their creation, placing, or items. For armor selections I use the fantastic Hentai_Compilation_Final. As we all know most of the armors are one and done occupying the hands, feet, legs, arms, and chest. My issue is my companions will randomly cast a summon armor piece at the start of combat. It can be any slot from what I have witnessed. This in turns makes them naked except for the summoned armor. I have gone through and done all of the obvious. I have tried to change spell list, checked the ai configs, tested the companions with no spells in their spell list, and double checked the Kawa_Khajiits to ensure that they had no spells as well. With all of this done, they still cast the spells, and one of them now will summon a ghost. If anyone has any ideas on how to get around these problems I would be in your debt. Thanks.
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