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how to install oblivion for big mod use


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i hope this is the right place. i lost ervry thing on my computer excep my omods which i backed up on a disk.


i done it once with the help of Tomlong54210 but he hasent ben on

i tryd doing it agen on my one but it hasent ben working right so can some one walk me throu it agen


hope im not bothering any one

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The BOSS master list doesn't have to be installed. Just copied into the data folder. Allow it to overwrite the old one if there is one.


Or, you can update your masterlist to the latest version by running the "BOSS - Update Masterlist.bat" file. This will replace your copy with the latest available online, and then run BOSS as normal using the updated masterlist. If you have an edited masterlist, using this updater will cause you to lose all your edits.


There is a troubleshooting guide in the BOSS readme here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516

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