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how to update OOO 1.33 omod with 1.34 beta 5 patch?


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Ok I thought I did this once before, but looking over the files from when that was done, doesnt look like I did, scratches head


and theres no instructions for installing the OOO patch 1.34 beta 5, it only says 'requires prior instal of OOO Complete 1.33


Fine, but 1.33 is installed as an omod, but the beta patch doesnt come with conversion data.


Do you simply make the 1.34 patch into an omod anyway, adding name version author website yourself, and activate it over the 1.33 install? It will add different esm and esp so assume those will replace the original esm and esp from 1.33 once both are activated


And wouldnt it be equally possible to just copy the 1.34 patch into the 1.33 folder telling it to overwrite folders and the esm / esp before installing the 1.33 (so its a 1.33+1.34 omod in one?

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well, you could just copy the new files into the data folder and overwrite the files, but it isn't recommended

you see, if you do this, and then uninstall OOO, and then re-install OOO (all with the OMOD that you have made) then you won't have the patched files any more

so what i would recommend is just to make a new OMOD for the patch, and install it after you have the normal OOO OMOD working

this way, it will overwrite the data, and still keep the patch, in case that you will need to uninstall OOO

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thanks wastelandassasin, yea good point not to overwrite it in the folder, so ive just made the omod of OOO 134 Beta 5 Patch, and all went well except for OBMM saying it was unusable and giving it a black dot, but makes sense itd think that how itd be overwriting the esp and esm and some textures and meshes. Now to see if its works. cheers
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well OOO's working as expected starting from a new game, havent noticed much difference other than potions not taking immediate effect, and the new colors, and threres a much better sound for metal clashing, but that could be from Sympony of Violence installed just before it. So now to add MMM Franscescos, Warcry and Bobs armory then FCOM convergence. Bloody glad I got the OOO right this time. Ta
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