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Party picker


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Anyone out there know of a good tutorial or can help me with a lil walkthrough on how to get party picker set up for my extra companions tryin to get em all in the same picker so i can use them without having to turn off certain mods

(the mods i have are Party Recruiting,valeria,lealion,Enigma battle dungeon,karmas companions)

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All the "Party Pickers", (including the vanilla game's) use a file called the "char_stage" (Character Stage). All the additional companion mods create their own versions to include their new NPCs. While I can imagine that the process of getting multiple ones to work together MIGHT be like having the multiple "chargenmorphcfg" files merged into one, (see TerraEx's "CharGenMorph Compiler") I'll bet if it's even possible it's a whole lot harder than text-editing ".xml"! :confused: :blink: :pinch:


[Edit: But see: "Followers - questions about char_stage", on the BSN. :thumbsup: ]

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