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What would be perhaps one of the best mods ever made for Skyrim and long belated


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Noo those footprints are far too shallow. I mean a mod where your feet sink into the sno 3 to 5 inches and leave a dense slushy trail that pops out of the ground like in the second video I posted. DX


It KILLS me that no one has done this!! DX Jkjk. But still in Skyrim, the snowiest part of Tamriel, some thick deep snow is essential I think. I want the legs to sink down to their knees in snow. DX
Edited by Dragonborn977
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I can only guess but I think what Math is saying is that it is sort of annoying how many people request something that already exists but does not match their taste 100%. You either make due with what there is or get cracking and make your own version.

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The mod out there is as close you will get to your request. The engine simply isn't built for fancier stuff.

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