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Ghostly Possession Mod


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I know there is already a Mind Control mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10474/?) where you shoot a ball of magic at an NPC to control them but, my idea is a bit more fun (and probably simple to make) than the aforementioned mod.



First of all this is a mod for low level characters, particularly mages but I guess vampires could use it as well. So let's say you just entered a dungeon, and you take out the enemy bandits near interior entrance. There are more bandits down the hallway, but instead you don't go to them. The bandits are on the other side of the wall. Instead you use this mod. This mod enables players to leave their body in a ghostly/ethereal form that NPCs cannot see. You can walk around and through doors, and can possess enemies from afar. Once an enemy is possessed you can just use their body to attack their allies so then they'll lower the amount of NPCs left. Rinse and repeat, the possession script could be the same.

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