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Intelligent Animals


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Many years ago, as a change from AD&D, my Friday-nighters played a few games of Gamma World. This, like Fallout, was set in a post-nuclear America. What attracted me (as a DM) was the ability ofr players to take on animal-strain characters: Bears, wolves, pumas and such which had mutated in the direction of much higher intelligence, and were not only to be found in 'tribal' groups, but also in association with humans in mixed villages.


So the suggestion for a mod is for a 'mixed' village in some remote corner of the map, where some of these animal-strain semi-humans might be found. I would imagine that only one 'race' be found - probably ursine in characteristics. I can think of various quests that could arise, but won't attempt here to influence any potential modder.


But I would like to see some animal mutations that were not just bigger badder cannon-fodder!


PS This might also spark a mod for FONV?

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Well that idea is always been in my mind as well ,played it back in 86 ,87 and T.M.N.T as well .

but somethange thats going to stop people or some modders from this is the neggitive responce that my be encurd.Morale magority ,old ritrul belief fallowers(all religions),ect would troll it to Hell(Hades ,oblivion or what ever ) ,no matter what you do or say there will be TROLLS all over it and some even acting friendly to it but working to an/the opposed pole . but it would be cool to see it .


Crarp (self cencered;) when I heard the Bethesda was doing Fallout ,I even held some hope that fallout3 would go into that direction(first 2 had zombies and mutants ) and they used lizardmen,catpeople ,and orcs as charicters in there games ,soooooo......Maybe the powers that be would exspand on the Falloutworld with a gaming world feel like Gammaworld ,T.M.N.T, and even Rifts(Up lifted dog soldiers at least) or even Traveler.....yep I had my hopes too.

again great Idea I love to se it , if I had skill in modding I d work on it , i do not and I can t spell either if you have not notice:(


But some of the ground work has been layed out for All modders out there that would like to do this and some of it has been trolled all ready.

But well but Id start with Burrmithans and Alianslofs work(there the top dogs on Uplifted species) get there permision for the mods to be used (good luck...from what I hear Mr. B will give permission when hell has A.C and time share)not confermed but I like his work Mr/Ms.slof well is Amoderater so...is the coolest modder in the whole world...But comepiling jest those 2 youd have 9 races to start with....


Thanges tht make ya go HHHHMMMMM.

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