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Crashing everytime fast traveling in Chorrol


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What happens when you enter these areas normally? By normally I mean walking there instead of using Fast Travel. You can, and should, disable autosave on travel since autosave is known to cause issues. Actually you should disable autosave entirely.
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What happens when you enter these areas normally? By normally I mean walking there instead of using Fast Travel. You can, and should, disable autosave on travel since autosave is known to cause issues. Actually you should disable autosave entirely.

ummmm i tried to run there xD ..... and um tried to go through the gates... and it didnt work .. And also i can actually walk through the cast gates, but when i get through a place where there is a yellow smudge on my screen my game crashes .... the yellow smudge looks like its a big triangle ... and um how can you disable auto savexD?

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The yellow triangle you describe is a missing resource, a mesh to be exact. Missing core resources can cause crashes. You need to see which mods are altering that area of the game and either remove them or properly reinstall them so all resources are present.


You can disable autosave in the Oblivion.ini. Located in Documents\My Games\Oblivion You'll want to look under the Display section for the following variables and set them from 1 (on) to 0 (off). You can just use search (Ctrl + F) while having the Oblivion.ini file open to find the following lines.




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I suspect this is a mod that was incorrectly installed. Please post your mods, in loading order.












Epic Gear.esp

Edited by ian101
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=( i think i made it worst. i Reinstalled the game. disabled auto save . and downloaded the unofficioal patch .... now it crashes even when loading saves xD

ohhhh ummm .... i can load a new character but not my old ones =( i tried to make a new one and it worked xD

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=( i think i made it worst. i Reinstalled the game. disabled auto save . and downloaded the unofficioal patch .... now it crashes even when loading saves xD

ohhhh ummm .... i can load a new character but not my old ones =( i tried to make a new one and it worked xD


If you unselect the unofficial patch esps, will your old save games load again?


I would suggest that you also download a copy of BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting System) and use it to rearrange your load order (with the patch esps selected as well as all your other mods). Then try your old save game again to see if it loads. If it does load, see if you can fast travel to Chorrol.


Let us know what works (or doesn't work)...

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