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Need Advice/Help with Custom City Mod


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Hi everyone,


I'm working on my very first mod ever. And my ego won't let me do anything less than the epic floating city I had in mind. I have a few questions for anyone who is an experienced mod-er/mod designer...


This is the inspiration:




Currently, this is the test design because I am planning on retexturing the stone. This is just me putting together the basic design on the castle, which is on a separate rock:






I would like a nicer floor...preferable for the outdoor. I know you can't landscape rocks (or I THINK you can't landscape rocks.) But since my ego won't let me put the castle on the ground, I was wondering is there a better way to do it rather than just resizing Ayleid Ruin blocks and retexturing +hoping for the best? Or do I have to model a floor in 3ds or something along the lines? I don't like modeling a lot, so I would really appreciate a bit of design advice or any ideas anyone would have.


My second question was, is there anyway to make the waterfalls....fade off? I tested the bottom half in game and the waterfalls look fine but they cut off at the bottom. I didn't want to use the bottom meshes because then....what are they landing on in the air, you know? I mean, I don't care TOO much about the waterfalls, but I would like to know if there is a way to make it sort of fade off.


Thank you in advice for all the help.



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