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Byzantine Armour+Weapons


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The Eastern Roman Empire (330/395 A.D-1453 A.D) (aka the Byzantine or the Roman Empire) was a direct continuation of the Roman Empire in the east. It was predominantly Greek-speaking empire, the last emperor to speak Latin as a first language being Justinian The Great. In 620 AD the Emperor Heraclius changed the official language of the Empire to Greek.


Her capital was Constantinople which is modern-day Istanbul, but at the time was Greek with Roman influences (The Turks conquered it in 1453, and settled in Anatolia in the mid and late 11th century.)


Byzantium Persona: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/282/3/0/aph__byzantium_by_atrejane-d4c3mun.jpg


Map of the Eastern Empire at Her Height: http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~fisher/HST140H/ByzantiumJustinian.JPG


Suggestions for Armour:


Varangian Guard Of Basil II (d.1025): http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2769/4339733971_cb2f7544f0.jpg


Comitatenses Armour: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4RrTETDEBt8/TUGKfV0r7YI/AAAAAAAABRg/30ED3MVB_bs/s1600/2.JPG


Justinian's Clothes: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_jPc5hebaTs8/TN9XtGRW9EI/AAAAAAAAGt4/J_JdzZw5tFE/s1600/1114justinian.jpg


Theodora's Clothes: https://2guysreadinggibbon.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/theodora_3.jpg


Soldiers During the Komnenan Recovery (1081-1185): http://www.agiasofia.com/greek/byz-soldiers2.jpg


And perhaps Greek fire :P: http://www.greece.org/romiosini/gr_fire.gif



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I come here to bump this thread!!!!!!!!!


Actually if somebody could grabb this mods

and tweak some textures to use scales like the Byzantine warriors:



+ add them this shield:




The mod could be done in a few hours!!!!!!!

Everybody needs the Byzantines as the imperials, i wish someone listens to us!!!


And another thing: please somebody make the stormcloaks forced to use the masked viking helmet XD!!!!!! they use all the time the common spangenhelm.

Edited by yoshimuji
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