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Steampunkish armor mod (With concept pictures)


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So I was fiddling around with various armor mods and I came up with a configuration that I think could be improved upon.


By using the dwemer goggles, black mage mask, and Dawnguard light armor, I made a steampunk/victorian-era(ish) armor.


Uploading on imgur because file size limits.






So I was thinking that it would be neat if an armor set based on that could be made. Obviously I don't want to use other modder's stuff if they don't want it to be used, and I'd prefer the dawnguard symbols to be removed if the armor is simply going to be retextured, but I think the end result could be really cool. Does anyone want to help me on this? Feel free to leave questions or your own ideas too.

Edited by Nexusaurus
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