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Skin Cancer


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Hello to all of you

Couldt someone please help me? I have nearly given up playing male caracters because of this skinproblem.

All other male caracters doesnt got this problem. The skin is reddish, blemish etc ,not playable.It is about instalation but i tried for so many times to reinstall both Oblivion and the Roberts body replacer. Is there a bug?

Is there anybody out there who knows this problem so please help me . Thanx. Iggy.

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It's most likely a bad male texture. Sometimes a 'mod' will install a texture that doesn't look right with the body you are using or you were using a different body mod and didn't replace the textures when you installed a different body mod. Also, I've seen a few mods that blindly install a body texture just because an NPC in the mod uses it. Not good.


I use Roberts body mods and they work fine. You need to clean out your ../Textures/characters/imperial/male and ../Textures/characters/imperial/female folder and put fresh copies of Roberts textures in.

Edited by stephanie
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