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Summer skyrim/ no snow overhaul?


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I'm just getting back into this game after well over a year, and I would really like to play through in a more summer/tropical type environment.


I know Tropical skyrim exists, but the creator hasn't updated it in a very long time and it has a lot of very minor bugs in it. (I specifically remmeber trees blocking pathways inside dungeons last time I tried using it, among other things). I know there was also a mod released for a modified summer, or pure winter climate, but I can't seem to find it anywhere, as the creator has vanished from the face of the earth as far as I know.


Are there any other alternatives I can use?

Im -mostly- just looking to get rid of all the snow in Skyrim, and I've been looking for overhauls to do what I want, with no results.



(Im not requesting someone to make a new mod, I'm just asking for help finding one that already exists, so if this is in the wrong forum I apologize)

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