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Mod trouble.


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Brand new to mods, I just downloaded a couple UI mods but I don't know exactly where to put them, I assume my Data Folder, But should I delete the previous "Textures" ect. folder? I don't want to delete anything with out knowing exactly what to do first, Thanks.
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you should NEVER delete files from your game folders, unless they belong to a mod that you with to remove

but don't remove files or folders

look at how the UI mod is packed

if it has a Data folder, then you need to merge it with your Data folder

if it has a plugin\s (esm or esp file or files) and other folders (like meshes, menus or such) then you need to put the contents inside you Data folder

always say yes to merge the folders, and always say yes to replace (unless specifically told not to, or if you know you need the original file and not the new one)


but usually mods have very clear installing instructions

also, there are very easy installation of mods using other programs (like the mod managers, BAIN, Wrye Bash or others)

so you need to decide which programs you are going to use (you should use the mod manager of whatever game you have), and learn how to install using the mod manager, as it is usually much better than manually installing the mods (and if you want to use another program, you need to learn how to use it)


one final thing, i am pretty sure that this is the wrong section for such a question

i would recommend that you put it under the specific game that you have, under technical difficulties or something like that

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