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Help, first time scripter in need of assistance.


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I'm in need of assistance when it comes to scripting. My friends and I have recently started playing Don't Starve Together and we all decided we wanted our own custom characters. Seeing as I can not draw, I was gifted in creative writing not artistic drawing, I was tasked with coding the characters. While I found a video for coding Don't Starve one. I watched it and found it simple enough (FYI I was only editing a template not writing from scratch) and successfully coded my first character. Feeling pretty good I decided to port it to DST, this proved a problem. I first placed it into the game and BAM! It crashed. "No problem," I thought, "I just have to edit the scripts. Well LONG story short I finally got it to actually launch and stay launched when I activated the mod. Now it crashes whenever I go to load a game with the character and it gives me an awesome error for this reason screen (thx for this Klei it is a huge help). So after reading all that I'm sure you actually want to help me, but here is the thing. I don"t want to just get helped int eh I copy the text you fix it sense. I want to learn. I want to find out if there is any media I can go to and learn how to script, I'd like to begin modding other games as well. Is there so magical online college I can seek that well help me, Oh yeah I'm that serious and online because I have been to college twice already and have an awesome job as a paramedic, but that leaves me with no time to actually travel somewhere to go to school. Anyway I really need some help any helpful tricks, tips, advice, teachings would be awesome.

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Hey there,


Try these links


Absolute beginner's guide to scripting






Frictional Game Wiki Beginner Scripting Tutorial 1







Tutorial - Scripting Basics






No offense meant by the next link - hope none taken - [you'll see what i mean by the name of it] :thumbsup:



Designing Video Games For Dummies




This site has heaps of useful info, so just disregard the name of it ok?

Also, many different games are supported here - so check it out.




These links are more for unity users:



Programming A Game With Unity:

A Beginner's Guide






How To Write A Video Game Script










5 Unity game examples: C# scripting tutorial for beginners




[Has links to a free public scripting package]



Unity - Scripting





Live Training Link:




[Apparently the next traing session is for heightmaps,

but you could probably contact them to arrange some scripting training. :thumbsup:



A Beginner's Guide To Making Your First Video Game





Well, that it from me, for now at least. If you need any further assistance, PM me.


Good Luck & Happy Modding.




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