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The Best Companion Mod Ever; Pokemon


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Two words; Pokemon companions :D

Even if it was just a Pikachu mod, for a pikachu companion, or the starter pokemon (squirtle balbasaur charmander pikachu) it would be the coolest mod out there.

Now, I realize just how huge a project creating a pokemon world would be, but if someone were to just make a few or make it a project it'd be the most amazing thing ever.


On the bright side, the dialogue would be the easiest thing in the world :P.


But really, the ideal pokemon mod would be one where wild pokemon roamed the wasteland, and you start off with a pokemon, and you can run around catching all sorts of ratta tatta's or whatever with your pokeballs and they all had custom animations and screen effects and the whole nine yards.

However, i realize how that might be a little unrealistic, and I'm not saying these pokemon need their own animations or affects on the player when say, pikachu casts a lightning shock and you get dazed if your too close, just like gecko style fighting would be great.


So maybe just pikachu or if someone is up to it, the starter pokemon, with working companion wheels and everything. ranged combat being something like lazers and non-ranged biting or headbutts, I'm just saying, but I don't think a mod could get much cooler than that.

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